Yesterday morning I was looking for something in the car and happened to stumble upon the fact that there was a whole stack of files and boxes in the car and boot. I confronted STBEH about these items and told him that he was under no circumstances to remove these items from the house without me going through them first to check that he's not removing items that weren't his to remove.
He then said that he'd been through everything and that nothing in there was mine as he didn't want my stuff anyway. I pointed out that it was still not in order for him to remove these bits without my consent. At this point he'd not even told me that he'd gotten an office somewhere from which he was going to work.
Anyway, he got all angry and said it was none of my business and that I was just being a bitch and that he didn't want my stuff anyway etc, etc. At which point I kindly informed him that I would be contacting my lawyer, which I did (more abusive language followed).
Later, when I got home he said that I could go through the boxes of stuff. He'd already taken a whole load of discs out there in the meantime (all with my name on - and he'd originally said he'd already been through it and nothing was mine...).
So, this morning I asked him to unpack the boxes from the car so I could go through them. There were still some of my items in there, however ALL of the files with our personal documents, birth certificates, documents pertaining to the house, etc. were already at said office!!! There's no need for these documents to even leave the house whatsoever!!
I've now phoned him and instructed him to bring these files home today. If however he ignores this request I will have the police raid the office for theft as that is legally how it would be considered.
He has absolutely no right to take personal documents, especially those that rightfully belong to me and the kids. Now I'm going to have to go through these documents with a fine tooth comb to ensure that everything I need is there and that he hasn't filtered bits away.
It just leaves me to ask: What next???
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