Yes, believe it or not, it's still ongoing. Despite the fact that I'm legally no longer married to EH, he's still managing to make my life a living hell.
I had such a great day. Took it easy this morning, cooked lunch and then went out as it was so nice and sunny.
After EH asking me why I wasn't taking the kids with me to the beach (uuummmm... because' it's YOUR weekend. Take them yourself!), it would seem he had something better planned.
What, you may ask? Well, it would seem that I forgot to log out of my computer and he felt that it would be totally in order to go sniffing about my email accounts and whatever else he could put his dirty little paws on.
So, when I eventually got home and went online, I had emails from people telling me that it was really odd that I'd come online (Gmail chat and Facebook) yet wasn't replying to them in the chats, which is quite unlike me. So, after a little bit of inspection, I saw that someone had indeed been on my computer intermittently all afternoon.
When I eventually questioned him about it, all very calmly and in passing, simply asking whether he'd found what he'd been looking for on my computer, he stormed out of the room saying he hadn't been on it, at which point Prince Charming kindly pointed out that "Daddy was working on your 'contiputer' today"... Don't you just LOVE the innocence of a child?!
I just went, "Oh, really?!" and then later confronted EH with this again at which point he refused to talk to me. So, when I told him that he was lying to me I got the whole, "Well you've been having an affair and lying to me all this time..." lark. I suppose I should get used to it, because this is going to be his little 'woe is me' line from here onwards.
Anyway, I had a nice day. Went playing putt-putt (mini-golf) with some friends, which was a load of fun and for R12 it's an outing to keep in mind and then we went to Clifton beach.
Unfortunately when I got home, I had a little upset with Miss Muffet as she cried when she had a wee on the potty and then again later, while making a wee, she started crying hysterically. It's obvious that she has a bladder infection, so after a visit to the Emergency Room at the hospital, she's now on some antibiotics, which I'm hoping will kick in fast as she was very upset.
So, this week will hold it's own challenges in store and I'm sure there'll be more drama from EH as he's obviously incapable of moving on.
Friday Morning Spice
1 month ago
It's probably much harder for the two of you to move on with your "new" lives while still living together. As soon as you both have your own places and space, I hope things will get better! Good luck with the future :)