It's always such a worry when your little ones get ill. Even last week when Prince Charming had his eye infections, which in essence is a minor thing, you still worry and fuss over them.
Well, yesterday it was Miss Muffet's turn. She was quite sleepy all day and although she had a good breakfast, she didn't want to eat much at all, which is very unlike her. By 18:15 she literally begged me to put her to bed, which I did and then around 21:00 she woke up coughing terribly and with a fever that was through the roof. Her whole little body was glowing.
So, after administering the necessary medications, she seemed to settle down, but shortly after, she called me in a total state as she'd vomited. She was more upset at the fact that she'd made a mess than anything else. So, into the bath to wash her off and wash her hair that was kinda covered in the stuff and managed to break the fever too.
It's at this point when every mother would ask the question whether or not to take the kid to see a doctor. Thing is that she's still too small to tell me whether she's hurting anywhere or has stiff muscles, so you can imagine how my mind is running away with me, especially in the light of the fact that the dreaded Swine Flu virus is well and truly here with several confirmed cases locally!
Anyway, after a quick phone call to my Mom for reassurance, I decided to let her sleep in my bed for the night (a very risky thing to do considering she's been puking...) and she was fine. This morning she had a slight fever again, so I've decided to keep her home, but she still doesn't want to eat, so I'll just keep an eye on her. Fortunately I don't have any meetings out today, so I can just nurse her and give her lots of cuddles.
You might have noticed throughout all of this, the obvious absence of STBEH? Well, he was around, however had gone to bed. When I went into his room to get to the en-suite for MM's towel and the kiddies shampoo, he asked what was up, so I told him and he must've been able to tell I was upset and concerned. So, he offered to help me, but I was coping fine. "Well, that's OK then", you might be saying, but somehow it just grates me a bit that he didn't even go to the trouble to just get up and check on his little girl just to give her a cuddle and kiss. And this from the man who continues to give me little handwritten notes begging me not to break up the family, telling me how he doesn't want to be a part-time dad and that his kids are his everything?!
The same dad who recently threatened suicide, but when I asked him whether his kids weren't enough reason to keep going, the answer was a definite "NO"? Maybe I'm just expecting way too much? I ask you...
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wow stop badmouthing the guy! He's just being a typical male. We don't cope well with barfing. What is it with you?! You sure are a male hater...
ReplyDeleteoh how we larf! if stbew can't even cope with a puker how's she gonna cope in the real world, on her own. remember stbeh isn't the one who wanted the divorce. but still she wants a doting hubby and daddy?? bread DOESN'T come buttered on both sides in the real world!!! first she decided she doesn't need him then she bitches because he's not doing enough.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteYour missing the point. She does not want a husband, definately not a doting one. She just wants the dad to be a daddy for her children. She's divorcing him not the children. Wake up.
To Anonymous 1 & 2,
ReplyDeleteI have to correct Anon 1 firstly, that I'm by no means a male hater.
Secondly, (particularly to Anon 2), it is obvious that you have the attention span of a newt.
If you'd read my post properly, you would've noticed that I wasn't complaining about dealing with my sick child (this I'm totally used to), but rather making a point about a man who just a few hours prior, had given me a written note about not wanting to be a part-time father and loving his children so dearly.
My point was that his actions yet again contradicted his statements in being such a doting father yet not even getting up to check on his poorly child and having spoken to other parents today, I'm convinced that I have not expected anything out of the ordinary.
It's not for me, it's for the child and as Anon 3 correctly pointed out, I'm divorcing him, not the children!
Nuff said!