And thank goodness for that!! After another very restless night with Miss Muffet crawling into my bed at whatever hour like a little glow-worm, the heat from her fever emanating from her little body, I took her to the GP.
What was rather concerning was when the GP's receptionist asked me the following questions:
"Does she have a fever?" - Yes
"Does she have a cough?" - Yes
"Does she have a sore throat?" - Well I don't know, she's only 2, so I don't think she'll get me if I asked...
At which point I was told that when I get to the surgery, to phone them from my car and not come in, because of Swine Flu!!! WHAAAAAAT???
So, we get there, I phone them and the receptionist comes out with surgical masks we have to wear before entering the surgery. Try keeping a surgical mask on a two-year old!!
Anyway, to cut a long story short, the doctor soon diagnosed the tonsellitis, so all worries were put to rest. I must say, it does sound like a bit of an overreaction, however considering the fact that there have been several confirmed cases of the H1N1 strain of flu locally along with a handful of deaths (YES!), I'd rather they did it that way than not.
On another note, I had such an aggravating experience today while in the Cape Town CBD. I had a lunch-time meeting and as those who live in CT know, parking can be a bit of a disaster at times. So, lucky me, I spot a guy climbing into his car just in front of where I need to be.
It's a parallel parking spot, so I pull up behind the car, flick the indicators and wait patiently for the guy to drive off. He does this and I drive past the spot (still indicating) and start to reverse into the spot - as you do!
I'm doing my thing and this absolute arsehole proceeds to drive into the parking space from behind!! At this point I'm blowing on the horn of the car and flailing my arms around trying to show this idiot that I was trying to park there, but he merely shrugged his shoulders as if he couldn't be bothered. BIG mistake!
I slammed the car into 'P', get out and proceed to ask him where he 'bought' his drivers licence from, because I'm sure you don't get it by doing that kind of thing... He was totally non-plussed, which just pissed me off even more and I absolutely laid into him, much to the delight of the local shopkeepers and assistants.
The result: He pulled out of the space and drove off! And what a result it was!!
For me it was a mere matter of principal. If I hadn't indicated I might not have felt quite as strongly about it, but it was totally unacceptable.
On that note I'll leave you as I'm going to do dinner for the kids, bathtime, bedtime and then I'm off to finally go and see the latest Harry Potter film, which I'm looking forward to seeing.
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