After the glorious summer-like days of last weekend, the cold has returned again and as I'm sitting here eating my Greek yoghurt with honey, I know I'm typing away, but can't really feel my fingertips...
Firstly, apologies for not writing yesterday, but I was not in a very good place. I was busy in the morning with meetings and then at lunchtime I took Prince Charming to see a counselor and this just really upset me.
As it turns out, she really put my mind at ease with regards to how I'm handling all of this and said that I was doing the right thing. Yes, his little 'accidents' are a definite sign of stress, but she felt that it wasn't serious enough to end up having a whole lot of sessions with someone at this stage, however things might get worse when we eventually move out of the house and go our separate ways and we simply need to keep our eye on the situation. So, this morning I had a brief chat to his teacher at school to also let me know if she sees any changes in him.
What upset me though, was that the poor kids actually have to go through this. My parents got divorced when I was 8 and I went through a whole phase of denial. Fortunately my kids are much younger and will adapt quickly, but what frustrates me is the fact that they're just too small to even explain it to. PC doesn't even understand the concept of marriage, let alone divorce. Anyway, as the lady said, I'm dealing with it in the best way possible, so I just need to stick with it and the damage should be minimal.
I had a little surprise in the post this morning sent in by my bestest friend in London, the Project Manager. He told me that he'd sent me something and I've been waiting patiently for the SA postal service to deliver it and lo and behold, this morning when I checked the box, there it was!
It's the latest Freemasons album "Shakedown 2". I've already listened to a few tracks on disc 2 and it's seriously HOT! It takes me back to the days when we used to party hard at Fabric on the famous DTPM Sundays or going to Fire under Vauxhall Station where we used to loooove the DIRTY music (said in a very low and raspy voice and referring to the deep base sounds that you feel thumping in your heart - you know what I mean...)! Not to forget the evenings spent at The Cross in Kings Cross (which has since closed) and Salvation, Later and not to forget Orange!
Those in the know would recognise all of these club nights as the gay nights out and in my opinion they were the best out there! For any girl it's the best place to go to avoid being hassled by some idiot who's drunk and simply wants to jump you. The guys who chat to you are doing so, because they want to and not because of any other alterior motives they may have. Boy, how I miss those days!!
Thanks PM for bringing back the memories xxx
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I used to be a bargirl at The Cross! Oh for those legendary sunrise sessions