I think I'm fully recovered from Monday night's party, so at least have the energy, but since I left home this morning having just eaten a rust, anticipating the brainstorm meeting to be about two hours long from 10:00. By the time we finished at 15:30 I was totally famished to the point of having the shakes.
Drove straight to the nearest Steers and bought my favorite King Steer Burger. Then stopped by mom's place to water her plants while she's visiting Ouma in Jo'burg and then on to meet the woman whose biography I'm writing for an info-gathering session.
I don't think I've mentioned this before, but I've been asked to write this lady's story, which is, well, quite moving from being abducted as a small child to being raped, smacked about, turning to prostitution and additionally becoming a drug addict, she has made it through to the other side, is now clean and working hard to get her life back.
It is a very draining project for both of us, but one that I feel will also help us both. For her, to reach closure on many of her issues and for me to help me deal with my own situation more from a 'My life is actually not that bad' kind of way and to have a diversion and challenge while all of this is going on around me.
I think most of us live such blinkered lives and don't have a clue about what's going on in the big wide world out there. Or maybe we're just turning a blind eye to these things? Either way, I'm very excited about this project. I've never written a book, so am doing my research into this. Quite a difference from my usual advertising/marketing lark and the poetry/song writing that I've done so far, but I think the story will lend itself to my writing abilities and am feeling very confident about it all, so let's see what happens. Any publishers out there who are interested in the story, give me a shout!
So, now I'm done for the day, got the emails out that I had to do and even made time to update TITL. And now, singing off with a pic that made me chuckle:

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