The Stremes doing their thang!
What was most entertaining about the whole evening was the table next to ours where this guy and his wife/girlfriend were sitting. It was obviously a booking for six people, but the other four didn't show and this couple were sitting opposite each other and hardly spoke a word to each other all evening.
Towards the end of the evening 'mommy' started to give 'daddy' lots of kak with a load of finger wagging and then she'd hold the glass to the side of her face so we couldn't see what she was saying. Well, we were in absolute hysterics as we were making up our own versions of this conversation as you can imagine a group of people doing after a significant amount of wine...
Funny thing is that it wasn't just our table who were finding that particular table so entertaining!
On Saturday it was The Banker's birthday. He organized for us to watch the Boks v Lions game at a private cinema at a local sound equipment shop, E-Piphany and after that, back to their home to continue the celebrations. They extended the invite to STBEH, but it was ultimately MY decision whether to relay the invitation to him, which I did and it was all ok.
We did have a bit of drama back at home though when he started to cry on my shoulder and told me how much he loved me, that he would change and how great I was, etc. The usual stuff. I did tell him though, that for a man who is trying to win someone back his actions weren't speaking the same language as he hasn't been consistent in his behaviour to show that he has REALLY changed and that this was the main reason why I wasn't prepared to reconsider my decision. I KNOW he will NEVER change.
Today was really chilled as Miss Muffet went to stay with Ouma for the weekend. She's at that super-clingy age where it's mommy, or nothing and I have to say it gets pretty draining at the best of times. So, this morning I stayed in bed playing sudoku and reading my book until 11:00!!! I can't remember the last time I stayed in bed till that time. It was great!
Took Bradley to the Spur for a milkshake at lunch time and then came back home for a nice afternoon nap. Then since I'd been craving sushi all week, decided to go to La Romantica for their Sunday evening 40% off sushi deal. It was excellent and now I'm feeling decidedly stuffed! It's only been a fairly recent thing that I've discovered the joys of sushi and now I can honestly say that I love it! Just a touch of wasabi and some ginger, dip it in the soya sauce and we're good to go. Yummy, scrummy!
Anyway, this can well be an interesting week as I'll find out whether STBEH has signed the settlement proposal or not as the summons will be issued either way, but if he hasn't signed it, then I'll have to prepare myself to take this matter to court. Not a nice thought, but one that may well become a reality. I'll let you know!
Hope you all have a great week.
Madge x
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