Greetings from a very cold Cape Town. It looks as if the storms have settled for the time being, but I'm sure it's probably only temporary. One thing is for sure, it's pretty damn cold! These houses are just not built to deal with the winter.
I got this great cartoon from The Fiery One recently and had to share it:
So true!
I've been Googling the Rocky Horror Picture show for images on the costumes they wore as I've been invited to go and see the show at the Barnyard Theatre at Willowbridge and we're all dressing up. I'm really excited about this, so will be working on an outfit.
I also got another funny email from the IT Guru recently, but apologise to my non-Afrikaans readers as it just won't be as funny if I were to translate them:
Ware mediese aantekeninge op hospitaalkaarte in 'n hospitaal in Mpumalanga:
1. Sy het nie saamtrekkings of koors nie, maar haar man se sy was gisteraand warm in die bed.
2. Pasient het borspyn as sy vir langer as 'n jaar op haar linkersy le.
3. Op die 2de dag was die knie beter, op die 3de dag het dit verdwyn.
4. Die pasient is hartseer en huil aanhoudend. Dit lyk of sy ook depressief is.
5. Die pasient is depressief sedert sy my in 1993 begin sien het.
6. Ontslagstatus: Lewendig maar sonder my toestemming.
7. Die pasient het 'n outopsie geweier.
8. Die pasient het geen geskiedenis van selfmoord nie.
9. Die pasient het sy witbloedselle by 'n ander hospitaal gelos.
10. Hy het oor die laaste 3 dae net 40kg opgetel.
11. Sy is verlam van haar tone af ondertoe.
12. Die vel was droog en klam.
13. Die pasient het wafels vir ontbyt en 'n anoreksia vir middagete gehad.
14. Hy lyk gesond vir 69. Verstandelik skerp maar vergeetagtig.
15. Het by tye konstante ongereelde hoofpyn.
16. Rektale inspeksie het normale grootte skildklier getoon.
17. Sy was vir die grootste deel van haar lewe hardlywig totdat sy geskei is.
18. Albei borste is eenders en reageer op lig en akkommodasie.
19. Die vel is ietwat bleek maar teenwoordig.
20. Pasient het 2 tienerkinders maar geen ander abnormaliteite nie.
At first you'd think that it is amazing that professional, educated people can write these types of comments, however I can honestly say that I have seen copy written by 'professional copywriters' that can quite easily be added to this list! Shocking! Although, without it, who would we laugh at?!
On the home front I don't have much to report really. I'm now simply waiting to hear back from my lawyer as I'm sure there'll be something in response to STBEH's visit to his lawyer yesterday, so let's see.
Friday Morning Spice
1 month ago
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