Maybe one of the big mistakes I've made throughout my life is trusting people. Over and above the fact that I wear my hart on my sleeve, I'm still very old school in my beliefs and for some reason can't learn to be a lot more weary of people.
However, when you end up being double crossed and f*cked over by someone you've known for a long time and genuinely thought you could trust it really hits you hard. Here I'm talking about STBEH and his latest antics from this week. I must admit, I'm still reeling at this whole event and now I've become very suspicious of many people.
It would seem that I have all of a sudden got a new secret admirer who somehow got hold of my cellphone number and has started to send me text messages, but who refuses to tell me who he is and where he knows me from. Apparently I gave him my number at a 'kuierplek'. Now, my chomma, I don't go to that many 'kuierplekke' and even less do I give out my number...
I must say, this is all just a bit too suspect, so I'm going to assume that it is a setup. What's getting me is that I'm feeling so insecure now about anything I say or do because I don't know whether there's an ulterior motive and to be honest, I've really seen another side to STBEH and what he's capable of and don't think I can put anything past him any more. It has had a major impact on the atmosphere here at Wisteria Lane and one that was totally unneccesary, but actually still stunned me considering these are the actions of someone who's trying to win me back. Not quite adding up, if I must say.
Anyway, it's STBEH's birthday today and I've been nice, so despite it all (maybe stupidly) I'm trying to be the bigger person. He's taken Prince Charming to the movies, so I have some free time while Miss Muffet is sleeping.
Enjoy your chilly Saturday!
Madge x
Friday Morning Spice
1 month ago
My hubby created a whole identity, email account etc and tried to set me up earlier this year. Luckily I smelled a rat from the 1st email, and answered accordingly. Still sucks to realise the depths that people will sink to tho! Hang in there!