I'm not sure what I hate more, pissing mosquitos buzzing around, cats fighting or my mom's coughing?!
Honestly people, this is bloody insane!
My mom came over to my place last night as she'd been away for a few days and decided it would be a good idea to be with me during my current emotional dramas, so all is nice other than the fact that she started coughing rather uncontrollably in the early hours of the morning. In the end I just gave her a glass of water and that seemed to do the trick.
Then, not long after, this highly irritating buzzing ensues... This sound cannot be confused. A mosquito. Shouldn't these little shits be dead already? Surely the mozzie season is over, but no, this little die-hard, or shall I say blood-sucking viper bat, was on a mission, but unfortunately for him, I was fully compus-mentus and as he sat on my ear, I smacked myself. Well, I smacked him really, but it did hurt me too. Well worth it though, but the problem is that once this has happened, you're lying in your bed in a state of paranoia listening for any other such little critters who might want to steal your blood and leave you itchy...
OK, so finally I drift back into a dreamy state of peaceful sleep, when the next thing, the most unholy sounds start to come from outside the house. Surely not... F*cking cats fighting!!!
Aaaargh! Why is it that some people can't just be content with 1 or 2 pets, but have to have a whole house full of the stuff. I love cats, believe me I do and I would love to get one of my own, but I'm holding back simply for the fact that there are too many other cats residing on my estate (there are a few bitches too, but that's another story).
Luckily for me, I'm not the only one who's fed-up of the nightly kitty operas and the next thing I just heard this dull little sound which I can only assume came from either a Windbucks or Daisy and the peace was restored. Thanks Piet, a girl can't ask for a better neighbor!
So, now I am sitting at my desk, trying to keep my head straight and hoping to have a better night's sleep tonight. A girl needs her rest, you know!!!
Here's a funny pic I got sent recently. Really made me laugh and reminded me of when I lived in London and went for walks along the Thames. We'd stumble across these groups of tiny Japanese people with their SLR's slung round their necks, little arms stretched out and pointing to Big Ben or the London Eye. Aaaaaaw, bless!!

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