This 65' custom-built motor yacht complete with 4 state rooms, a state-of-the-art galley, GPS System and radar for navigation, twin supercharged diesel engines, etc.
Cost price $4,500,000.
Just imagine the excitement of the new owner seeing the rigging being set up, the crane lifting the beauty across and then wondering why they would be using a faulty turnbuckle when they're being paid $2,500 and hour?!
Can you see the guy in the stern?!
And then standing there, powerless, watching your dream boat nose-dive into the harbour!
When I saw the first picture and the guys here at Gambling HQ were giving it all that jealous moany shit about "It's not all that...", my immediate response was "Yeah, but I bet he gets laid!" to which one replied that he probably didn't considering the continuation of the story, however, I'll stick to my claim that he probably does get laid, because he obviously does have the bankroll that ensures it happens regularly.
Oh my, I think it's safe to say that someone ended up with a foot in their ass that day.