I absolutely LOVE facebook and I'd like to think that I'm one of the more 'conservative' users who tends to be somewhat more picky about who I accept/invite as a facebook friend.
I tend to check out the various status updates of my friends throughout the day and if I feel the need to comment on whatever they're up to or bitching about, then I do.
Here at Gambling HQ we recently commented on how people abuse the status update section and say nasty things or slag others off or only portray one side of a story. So when I received an email yesterday from my soon-to-be-ex-sister-in-law asking me to please not post anything else on Facebook with regards to my current divorce situation, I SAW RED! No, in fact, I was just absolutely f*cking fuming! How DARE she?!
So, the story is that I posted my status update the day after I informed my soon-to-be-ex-husband: "Mxxxxx has done it, and it wasn't nice :-(". OK, that was the update. So, those people who knew what was going on would've picked up on it and those who didn't could've thought that I was referring to changing a shitty nappy for argument's sake!!!
But then, shock f*cking horror, I get this email... Not cool! Mind your own business. Up to now I haven't minded the barrage of emails begging me to reconsider my decision from various members of his family and have dealt with them all in a nice way whilst totally sticking to my double-barreled guns, but THIS was totally uncalled for.
But here's the thing, and one of the beauties of Facebook, I've de-friended the whole bloody lot of them. Ha! Take that! In fact, it's probably a good thing because I suppose it's best to sever the ties properly.
Anyway, this really pushed me over the edge yesterday, and what made matters even worse is the fact that I got home, desperate for a whiskey and though I remember having finished a bottle the night before (not the whole bottle, just a few drops, ok, maybe a couple of glasses), I was convinced I had more. Turns out I didn't!
So, I ended up swapping allegiances to the red badge of Smirnoff, but the soda stream machine is broken (must find out how that happened), so I ended up having vodka, lemonade syrup and non-fizzed water... This is not exactly what I had in mind when I got home desperate for a drink. As it was, I had to wait for the Pam Golding agent to finish valuing my house before quenching my thirst and believe me, once she'd left my tongue had to be pried off my palate with a spatchela.
The vodka did the trick though, I can safely say, but a stop at the bottle store on my way home from work is most certainly on the cards. This kindof thing simply CANNOT happen!
Friday Morning Spice
1 month ago
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